The present study was carried out in an over exploited WR-2 watershed in Warud taluka, Amravati district, Maharashtra. The highly diversified occurrence and substantial variation in the accessibility and utilization of groundwater in India, makes its management a complex task. The TDS pollution contamination zones have been find out and classified according to their ranges using Visual Modflow model. The model has been urn through MT3D engine, which is one of the sections in Visual Modflow model. The aquifer characteristics, water level data, pumping wells, observation wells, concentration observation wells, ground surface and bottom elevation, Hydraulic conductivity, porosity, TDS concentration and boundary conditions have been used as model input.
Groundwater flow for noyyal river basin has been simulated using Visual Modflow-MT3D a versatile groundwater software package. In this context, the present study is an attempt to assess the aquifer vulnerability of Noyyal River basin using Visual Modflow. The quality of groundwater in Noyyal River basin which passes through Tirupur block have been affected very much due to industrial effluents released by the dyeing and bleaching industries in Tirupur. So the protection of groundwater against contamination is very important. Once the groundwater gets contaminated, remediation is very difficult. Groundwater is one of the valuable resources in this world.